This blog post explores the whether it's normal to resent your partner after having a baby, the difference between occasional and chronic resentment, and the consequences of accepting it as normal. It emphasises the importance of taking feelings seriously and...
Insight & Connection Relationships After Kids Blog
Postnatal Mental Health and Wellbeing
The time after a baby arrives is really special. And it can also be challenging, for both mothers and fathers. It's big transition time for each of you personally, as well as for your relationship. To feel the best you can through this time, it's helpful to think...
Top 10 Tips For A Happy Relationship After Kids
Top 10 Tips For A Happy Relationship After Kids Based on The Gottman Institute’s incredible research into what really makes for lasting, satisfying relationships, here are my top ten tips for a happy relationship after kids. 1. Never think you’ve...
Getting Snappy With Your Partner? How Mindful Responsiveness Can Strengthen Your Relationship After Kids
This blog explores the impact of everyday interactions on relationships after having kids. It highlights the importance of being responsive to your partner's bids for connection, addresses the consequences of being unresponsive or snappy, and offers practical tips for...
Thank And Compliment Your Partner For A Stronger Relationship
This blog post emphasises the significance of complimenting your partner to nurture a healthy relationship, especially while parenting together. It covers the ideal positive-to-negative comment ratio; ways to create a culture of appreciation; and the importance of...
Understanding And Overcoming Toxic Communication Styles In Relationships After Kids
There are four toxic communication styles - criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling - which can particularly damage relationships, especially after having kids. Read practical advice on how to recognise and transform these harmful patterns, improve...
Dealing with Arguments in Your Relationship: How To Use Curiosity To Cultivate Closeness
Arguments in relationships are common; it's their effective resolution which defines the strength of your relationship. Understanding and empathising with your partner's feelings and building closeness are crucial. This blog post provides practical strategies to...
How to Discuss Couples Counselling with Your Partner: A Comprehensive Guide
Couples counselling is amazing, and the thing I hear most often about it is “I wish we’d gone sooner!” But asking for help isn’t always easy, and the prospect of inviting a stranger into our most private conversations can feel quite daunting. It’s very common for one partner to be ready to call a counsellor while the other is still unsure about it. So if you’re wondering how to get your partner to go to couples counselling, you’re not alone. Here are a few pointers to help you if you’ve been struggling with how to get your partner to go to couples counselling.
How to Show Your Partner You Appreciate Them this Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s think about how to show your partner you appreciate them We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK, which has always struck me as rather sad. It’s a great opportunity to think about how to show your partner you appreciate them. I know...
World Kindness Day
It’s World Kindness Day 2020. We know kindness matters. We tell our kids to be kind. But how kind are you, really, to the person you have chosen to spend your life with, on a day-to-day basis? How friendly are you? How generous? How considerate? Do you ask them how...
International Stress Awareness Week
It's International Stress Awareness Week 2020 This week has been International Stress Awareness Week, so let’s think about your stress levels, how you understand them, and what you can do about them. Stress is what happens when the demands of a situation outstrip our...
Get Your Sex Life Back On Track After Kids
Are you starting to feel like it's time to get your sex life back on track after having kids? It’s normal for sex to drop down the agenda when you have a baby, but if it’s been months - maybe even years - you might be starting to worry. Right now, honestly, is sex...
Teeth and Claws
When I was 10 years old, we lived in a house with interesting neighbours. I remember on the day we moved in, the mother walked into our new home and announced, “we mostly keep ourselves to ourselves”. In my experience, people who describe themselves as an open book...
Stress and Your Relationships
How have your stress levels been lately? Stress is the reaction that happens when we feel that the demands of a situation outstrip our resources to cope. So I think most of us can say that our stress levels have been higher than usual at least some of the time over...
Love In Lockdown – the Online Course
The global pandemic is putting huge pressure on everyone, especially couples with kids at home. As well as coping with the uncertainty and anxiety, many of us have lost work, childcare, and the comfort of our usual routines. Being in lockdown together presents a...
How Can I Support You Through This Crisis?
I've been thinking a lot about all of you - whether you are a past, present, or prospective client - and how you might be coping with our current very difficult situation. I wanted to let you know about how I have adapted my service in line with the government...
Happy New Year – Relationship Goals 2.0 is Back for 2020!
Happy New Year! How was your Christmas break? I hope it was restorative, with a chance for reflection and some thought about your intentions for the new year - and perhaps even the next decade. I also know that it was likely tiring, largely fuelled by sugar and...
Speaking Events This Autumn
Speaking Events: The Mother Fair This Weekend I have a number of speaking events coming up this autumn in Brighton and Hove. Firstly, this Saturday 14th September I'm going to be at The Mother Fair, an event for new and expectant mothers, speaking about relationships...
Relationship Goals 2.0 on Curiosity
The next Relationship Goals 2.0 on CURIOSITY is coming up this Thursday 1st August! Relationship Goals 2.0 is a relaxed event in a room above a pub, where parents have fun together while learning about the skills and habits that couples need to be really happy...
Relationship Goals 2.0 is This Thursday!
Just a quick reminder that the first ever Relationship Goals 2.0 is happening this Thursday evening 4th July! Relationship Goals 2.0 is a new event for parents in Brighton and Hove who want to make their relationships the best they can be so that they can have the...
A New Event For Parents in Brighton and Hove!
Have you heard about Relationship Goals 2.0? It's a new event for parents, expectant parents, and those considering parenthood, in Brighton and Hove. We're going to get together in a private room above a pub and talk about what love looks like on the other side of...